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Further 2010 projects funded by DG ECHO
(Main descriptions are availabel on the DG ECHO website)
ALPSAR - Alpine Search and Rescue for Slovenia and Italy
F4E - Friends for Emergencies
CERACI - Cross border Exposure characterisation for Risk Assessment in Chemical Incidents
Tsunami information centre for the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean (NEAMTIC)
Raising earthquake Awareness and Coping Children's Emotions (RACCE)
Psychosocial support for civil protection forces coping with CBRN (CBRN incidents and PSS)
SKIPASS - Mountain Patrols Safe System for Integrated Disaster Management System (2010 Project: Call OJ C311 of 19 December 2009)
Improving flood prevention  and flood hazard awareness through the development of a standardized approach for small dams risk assessment and management based on European best practices and shared experience (DamSafe)
Return of experience for enhanced integrated prevention (REX)
Good on Emergency Situation (GOES)
Modern approaches for prevention amongst children in Europe (YOUTHPREVENTION.PRO)

European Projects dealing with resilience, vulnerability and capacity building:
DIANE-CM - Decentralised Integrated ANalysis and Enhancement of Awareness through Collaborative Modelling and Management of Flood Risk.
FIM FRAME - Flood Incident Management - A FRAMEwork for improvement.
FREEMAN - Flood REsilience Enhancement and MANagement: a pilot study in Flanders, Germany and Italy.
IMRA - Integrative flood risk governance approach for improvement of risk awareness and increased public participation.
RISK MAP - Improving Flood Risk Maps as a Means to Foster Public Participation and Raising Flood Risk Awareness: Toward Flood Resilient Communities.
SUFRI - Sustainable Strategies of Urban Flood Risk Management with non-structural Measures to cope with the Residual Risk.
UR-FLOOD - Understanding Uncertainty and Risk in communicating about floods.
ENSURE- Enhancing Resilience of Communities and Territories facing Natural and Na-tech hazards.
CLIMWATADAPT- Climate Adaptation: modelling water scenarios and sectoral impacts.
WATER2ADAPT- Resilience enhancement and water demand management for climate change adaptation.
PREEMPT - Policy-relevant assessment of economic and social effects of hydro-meteorological disasters
MATRIX - New Multi-Hazard and Multi-Risk Assessment Methods for Europe
MOVE - Methods for the improvement of vulnerability assessment in Europe.
NeWater - New Approaches to Adaptive Wanter Management under Uncertainty
FLOODsite: Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies

Projects dealing with drought and water scarcity
AQUASTRESS - Mitigation of Water Stress through new Approaches to Integrating Management, Technical, Economic and Institutional Instruments
EPI-WATER - Evaluating Economic Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Europe
XEROCHORE - An Exercise to Assess Research Needs and Policy Choices in Areas of Drought
CIRCE - Climate Change and Impact Research: the Mediterranean Envronment
WATER CoRe - Water scarcity and droughts; coordinated actions in European regions